A special feature of all Merkurslots is the “Gamble Function”. This Function allows you, to choose between two gamble systems where you be able to increase your winnings. Both features limited to 140 €.:
The gamble ladder
This feature does honor to its name, because it’s build like a ladder. You can see it on the left (you can use your mouse to enlarge the ladder). The ladder is devided into different sections, ascending in their value. If you get a payline winning and you choose the gamble ladder feature, so the ladder appears and starts to flash alternately between 2 values. Now you have a fifty-fifty chance to get the next higher or the next lower value from the ladder. At the first gamble you can’t loose everything, but at all of the following gamble situations you have the chance to win the next higher value or to loose all your collected money. The only exception is the “PLAYOFF field” in the middle of ladder: After you managed to reach this field, you have the chance to jump on one of the upper fields.
Furthermore you have the choice to halve your winnings. Once you click the “collect half button”, the half of you earnings will instantly added to your balance and you fall one step down at the gamble ladder. Now you can gamble again or halve again. You can do this how long do you want, unless you click “collect” or you fall down to 0.00 €.
Here is an example: At [sc:aslots_oi title=”Vampires” link=”vampires”] you get a win on payline 1 about 0.40 €. After choosing the gamble ladder feature you have now the winning chance between 0.30 € and 0.60 €. You can’t loose everything.
At the 2nd step, supposed you win the 60 cents before, you have the fifty-fifty chance to win 1.20 € or to fall down to zero. If you win the 1.20 €, then you have the chance between the next higher stage and zero.
Looking for secret tipps and tricks? Here we have compiled some hints.
The gamble card
True to the motto: ALL OR NOTHING, this feature is as simple as efficiently: You can bet all your win on a random card. You have to choose between RED or BLACK. If your predicted card appears, your win will be doubled. Otherwise you use your money. After the first round you won, you can halve your winnings. That means, you save the halve of your winnings and continue to gamble with the other half. The gamble card feature ends only in two ways: Either you collect your winnings or you loose all.
Try Out
All Merkur online casinos have a for all games a fun mode. Just play some rounds on one of the Merkurslot and try out both gamble features. With the right bit of luck, you can raise your winnings. There is no registration needed, to test the Merkur casinos: Sunnyplayer, Sunmaker, Stake7 or Platincasino. Just go to the website, start your game and enjoy. And if you like it, then we have here a small Bonus Overview - real money makes even more fun.
[sc:gtplatin] [sc:gtstake7] [sc:gtsunnyplayer] [sc:gtsunmaker]